A complementary color scheme uses two colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green, yellow and violet, orange and blue. Complementary colors create maximum contrast with vibrancy.

To tone down the vibrant effect, rather than using the color directly across from a colon the color wheel, move one color over in either direction on the color wheel.

A living room in red and green. Red is the prominent color, while the green is used primarily as an accent.

The dining room walls are painted a soft blue. The warm wood tones of the dining table and buffet add the complementary color to the scheme.

Purple swivel chairs and a complementary colored yellow sofa would create a very vibrant space. The owner opted to tone down the intensity by upholstering the sofa in a yellow/orange leather, an example of selecting one color over from yellow on the color wheel.

Selecting the right colors for your space is just as important as selecting the right furnishings. If you need help, Robin Lechner Designs is available 7 days a week. email robin@robinlechnerdesigns.com

REMEMBER: "If your home is not becoming to you, you should be coming to Robin Lechner Designs, a boutique firm with flexibility on fees without sacrificing excellent customer service.

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